Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pay It Forward...

A couple of years ago when the economy really hit me pretty hard, I struggled just to keep up with my rent and utilities.  I even lost about 10 pounds, because for a couple of months, all I could really afford to eat was grits and eggs.  I was studying the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University at my church and really trying hard to turn my financial situation around.  But it seemed like every time I turned around, somebody else needed or wanted money from me.  

On my way home from church one Sunday, I took my eyes off the road to change my radio, and I hit a curb on Gandy.  I blew out both tires on the passenger side of my car.  Two friends from church stopped to help me.  They loaned me cash to get the car towed to Tires Plus.  The repair was going to be just over $200.  I was broke and didn't have an extra $200!  I charged it on credit.  I don't remember which card now.  I had a couple that were pretty high.  

A couple of days later, one of the church assistants called me and said that she had an envelope for me.  When I went to pick up the envelope, the assistant told me that the person who dropped off this envelope said that they had been noticing how hard I had been working on getting my finances in order and knew I was struggling, so they wanted to give me some money.  There was $200 cash in that envelope!  You can imagine my shock and excitement!  

To this day, I don't know who gave me that money or how they knew I was struggling or how they knew I was working hard on my finances.  All I know is God knew I needed a little miracle right then.  I hope to thank that person in heaven some day.  :-)

So I took the chance to pay it forward on that random act of kindness.  A friend that I've just been getting to know over the past few months was telling me about her dire financial situation.  No need to get into all the details, but she explained she was having to ration diapers for her 9-month-old, was going to start using a washcloth to wipe her baby's bottom because she had no more wipes, and was going to run out of formula in another week.  My heart was breaking.  I was remembering my own dire financial situation a couple of years ago, but trying to imagine having a baby on top of that was too much for my mind to comprehend.  Then God reminded me of the $200 that was randomly given to me.

After we said good-bye to one another, I drove right over to Sam's club to get some baby supplies.  So here I am standing in the "baby stuff" aisle, and I haven't got a clue what size or brand of diapers to buy, nor do I have a clue what kind of formula he drinks.  I know enough from other parents not to go the chincy route.  

I mumbled a little prayer to God, "God, I don't know what to buy here.  But this is Your money, and I know You asked me to pour out this blessing, so please help me purchase the right stuff."

I stood there a few more moments agonizing over Huggies or Pampers, Gerber or Enfamil.  I remembered my mom buying Huggies for my baby brother, because they were the only ones that didn't leak.  I tried to picture my friend's baby in my mind.  I guessed his weight according to the diaper package chart and settled on purchasing Size 3s.  To double-check myself, I even got on my phone's web browser and googled baby diaper sizes.  LOL!  Wipes were easy.  I chose Huggies because I bought Huggies diapers, and the wipes were all the same price.  Huggies actually had a few more wipes in their box.  I stared at the formulas and weighed so many options in my mind before finally deciding on Gerber Good Start Gentle formula.  Then I saw boxes of baby food.  Well, nowadays, they have Stage 1, 2, or 3.  I didn't remember any stages when my younger siblings were babies.  I decided on Stage 3.  After leaving Sam's, I drove over to Publix and picked up a gift certificate so my friend could go grocery shopping for herself.  

I drove to her apartment.  I texted her and asked her to meet me outside in the parking lot.  She came out right away, and I showed her my trunk of goodies for her and the baby.  She was so happy.  I was so happy.  We took them upstairs and I visited for a bit, talking and playing with the baby.  

When I got home later, she texted me a thank you note.  It just warmed my heart knowing I could help them.  I wished I could do more.  The next part of our texting conversation proved that God really had orchestrated the whole thing.  She said she had looked through all of the things I had purchased for the baby and they are exactly what he uses.  She can only buy Huggies because they don't leak.  Gerber Good Start is what the baby has been drinking since he was born, and he's now eating Stage 3 baby food.  Can you believe that?  I stood there in Sam's agonizing for so long about my decisions just hoping and praying I was purchasing the right stuff.  And it was exactly what they needed!

God knows everything, y'all.  When Psalm 139 talks about God knowing everything about us, it's hard for me not to believe that after witnessing this small miracle with the baby products.

Also, the verse of the day on BibleGateway's website is, "Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ," Galations 6:2.  Pretty dead on, if you ask me.  :-)


  1. awesome! The formula def would have been the hardest to figure out. Soooo many choices and sooo many reasons for choosing this or that. And the stage for the baby food/diapers was def a great choice! So glad God could use you as a blessing for this mother!

  2. yes, the formula was definitely the hardest part! you can't go switchin' that up willy-nilly. i was shocked that i picked exactly the right one! it was just a total God thing. ^_^

  3. That totally touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad you were there when they needed that. Paying it forward is one of the greatest rewards I've ever experienced. thank you for sharing this story. Danielle
